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Hello dear friends! Here is some patch notes dated 05.03.2019
Don't forget to update your game client each time you log in!

- Arena now is taken place on a custom arena made for that event. This arena is the same from each spawn point and has a lot of objects you can use as a cover. https://i.gyazo.com/9d43e8e9f395b31547061ed6f845b01b.mp4

- Now you can Like or Dislike your arena teammates.

- Race rating now depends on Outposts amount, Ant nest, Artifacts own, castles and cities. Rating will be refreshed once per day.

- El and MA weapons now cab disenchanted. Disenchant for EL is in the capital, Ma is in the castle. "Relict Material" is gain after the disenchant.

- "Precious Sack" drop rate is changed from monsters 85+. Rare material gain chances are lower and "Relict Material" is added to the drop.

- Enhance Master and Blacksmith can craft a Relict Weapon now via a special option. For the craft needed a lot of rare racources.

- Bosses and Group Leaders 80+ now can drop artifact pieces in a small amount.

- If you are an ally of the Ant Nest owner you also get -5 points bonus in the next battle.

- Bug where the flag is dissapear after the first capture is fixed.

- "Order Hall Capture" ability now is working upon the end and taking about 20 sec.

- Guild fortresses siege now at 21:00 Moscow time zone and 2 hours long.

- Defenders now have debuff for 15 secs and not allowed to teleport during it. After death they can only be teleported to the capital.

- Every light damage calss gain 8-10 movement speed and increased magic resistance.

- «Close fight» - increased duration, lowered cooldown.

- Бард умениям «Parrying», «Battle march», «Sonic barrier» - reduced cooldown.

- Fate Spear усилению «Attacking maneuver» - increased duration.

- «Dance of darkness» - increased duration from 2 to 3 sec.

- Werewolf «Dark Paralyze» - Increased spell power from each level.

- Also some of the small fixes are teken place.

Tournament preparations is taken place now.
Keep up with the news on forum and our discord channel.
EndlessWar team.