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Hello dear friends! Here is some patch notes dated 22.02.2019
Don't forget to update your game client each time you log in!

More then 4000 players online, even with a lot of traders. This our little record and we decided to celebrate it. Every one who log-in to the game during next 3 days will be given 3 pieces of cake(incresed Exp, SP and damage to monsters).

Group arena is opened.

- Now arena is taken place at Ice Arena medium sized. It is recomended not to push your camera to far away to avoid camera bugs.

- Arenas are working differently now. Every time will be created new arena. Each time group enters new group up room appears. Each race has their own rooms to group up. If there are more people for one group will be created new extra room but there are have to be opponents to continue.

- Entering queue is changed. Every time you registrate to the arena there is a queue. Every time you finish arena your registration drops.

- There are no longer opponent signs in the arena because you can no longer meet opponents of the same race.

- There are two types of arenas - Hard and Easy. Types of arenas defines by the time you enter. Easy arenas available all the time. Hard one will not be available during big events.

- Easy and hard types only different by the reward. Hard type arenas remains the same but easy one is different now. Easy arena reward will be getting only if your group reach 1st place.

- Each time you finish arena there will be notification with your reward. In the right bottom corner you can find notification sign with fight details and your reward.

- There is no longer arena statistics. Last arena fight statistics is added.

- Bug where arena death counted as actual death is fixed.

- You can leave are only when fight is over. We are planning to change it in future.

Other fixes.

- Dash mechanics for most of the classes is reworked.

- Low level hunting is changed. Now there are 4 different level gaps for pvp with out any restrictions 50-59\60-69\70-79\80-87. If your opponent ot of your braket level you will no longer get any reward. If you were killed by stronger opponent you will lose nothing and will be able to use helping gates.

- Important! Now every one can use selling services if they wish. You can buy stuff through selling service with 5% tax. For those who wish to sell there his stuff Premium Selling Service is still available via God's Coins purches.

- Guild storage now available to guild members.

- Order storage now available to order members.

- Destroyer – bug where with increased movement speed and attack power is changed.

- Marauder - diguise now is seen only for enemies.

Keep up with the news on forum and our discord channel.
EndlessWar team.
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