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Команда форума
Hello dear friends! Here is some patch notes dated 23.02.2019
Don't forget to update your game client each time you log in!

What is going on today:
- Everyone who lost their battle expirience befor should be getting in soon. If 25.02 you still have no battle exp make a ticket through control panel.

- Formed groups and random groups are no longer met on arena.

- Main criteria in the arena rating is Win now. Also there are some rating gain throu kills, deaths, likes and dislikes.

- Upon death on arena you can leave now.

- Arena registration time is increased from 5 to 10 minutes. Now you have anought time for rest or forming a new group.

- Skill no longer reset upon arena call. Be aware of that.

- Arena sign is glowing now during registration period.

- Title colors are fixed.

- Helper's Gates are fixed.

- You can not longer capture order hall if you are not registered.

- El rod glowing was fixed.

- Butcher, bug where you can stun your ally is fixed.

- Also some of the small fixes are teken place.

Keep up with the news on forum and our discord channel.
EndlessWar team.